Historical Sew Fortnightly #1 Bi/Tri/Quadri/Quin/Sex/Septi/Octo/Nona/Centennial

I just realized that while it's incredibly late the new Regency dress does fit the first HSF challenge - woo hoo!  So to make it official here are the stats:

The Challenge: #1 1 Bi/Tri/Quadri/Quin/Sex/Septi/Octo/Nona/Centennial
Fabric: A sheer cotton sari from the Bohemian Belle
Pattern: Half draped, half Mode Bagatelle Regency pattern, mostly on the cross-over bodice.
Year: 1813 give or take 5 years.
Notions: Thread
How historically accurate is it? Machine sewn but fairly accurate design-wise.
Hours to complete: a few days?
First worn: not yet.
Total cost: $40

I plan on adding a bright red spencer, maybe with black piping, reminescent of this.  And a big crazy collared chemisette somewhat like this:
